One step at a time repeated over and over has gotten us to where we are right now. There is a saying that goes, “we are the sum total of the decisions we make”. The decisions we have made have built the life we now live. Our decisions are responsible for the relationships we have, where we live, the amount of money we make, the habits we created, the physical condition our body is in, the mental condition our mind is in, the emotional condition we live in.

It would be fascinating to be able to zoom out of this moment and see our life from birth to right here right now. We would be able to consider the decisions we have made. We could see the habits we created and the cycles we lived in and the impact they had on us and the people around us. We could see other options that were available but we didn’t consider. We could see the awesome decision we made that started us on a journey of identity, purpose and vision.

The steps we take today create our tomorrow. It is the things we do everyday that make us better or keeps us the same. Creating regular routines of reading, exercising, thinking and considering about today and where you want to go tomorrow, and what you need to do to get there; are all things that will propel us into the future we actually want.

Routines executed with repetition, create habits. Habits are things you do without even having to think about it, because you have done them so many times. When we intentionally create habits that serve us they become safe guards for our lives. Even when, “we don’t feel like it” we show up anyway because it is the habit we created. These routines will keep us on track.

One step at a time in the right direction, will get us exactly where we want to go.