Have you ever had an idea to do something but could only picture it failing? Or maybe some potential raised up and you picture yourself doing something amazing but then said something like, “I could never do that.” or “I don’t have those gifts.” “There are already other people doing it.”

Fear of failure is when the only scenario we consider is the one where we fail.  This way of thinking is a malfunction. No one is born thinking like this. You ask any little kid what they want to do or be and they have no problem believing they can be an astronaut, or a firefighter or a superhero.

But over the years of not taking action, making excuses instead of saying yes to certain opportunities, we begin to develop and become very skillful at this fear of failure mindset.  We have a powerful imagination for the worst case scenario. Even though we have never actually experienced these scenarios, we still cultivate the possibilities.

The problem with this kind of thinking is that is leaves no room for learning, growth, excitement, faith or belief.  If you get an idea to do something you have never done before, there is a learning curve to be able to create the skills required to become good at it.  The fear of failure makes it seem, “if the first time isn’t perfect than you shouldn’t even try.” But the first time isn’t going to be perfect. It’s only in taking your first attempt that you begin the journey of becoming skillful.      

The fear of failure is a trap and illusion.  This mindset, which was birthed from hell, exists to keep us from taking action, from believing in our God given potential.  If we only believe we can’t, than our faith is in something that didn’t come from God. Jesus said, “have faith like a child.”

What do you picture in your mind that you may have been casting off? What ideas do you have that you need to start picturing yourself succeeding at? What places do you need to start showing up at instead of making excuses not to go?   

The fear of failure is a mindset that believes we shouldn’t take action.  The kingdom of heaven comes with a mindset of power, initiative, potential, purpose, vision, identity, faith in the impossible and the reality to prove it. My good peoples, never be afraid to take action, to step out into the unknown. Don’t ever perceive God as the one expecting you to fail. It’s God’s will that you let your light so shine before men that they see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven. It’s only in stepping out that you really start to see who God is and in turn who you really are.      

Jump into the potential.