Everything we want and have yet to realize, is in this place called uncomfortable.  It’s easy to stay where it is comfortable. It’s easy to lose sight of vision when we choose comfort over the unknown of potential.  In this place of comfort it is easy to make a list of all the things we are not, and all the things we can’t do. “I’m an introvert,” “I don’t do well in big groups,” “I don’t have those gifts,” “I’m not good with people,” “I can’t do that”.   I’m not, I’m not, I’m not; I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, you get the picture.

If you have an, “I’m not list,” what is on your, “I am list”?  Probably not much. Do you know why that is? It’s because what you are is on your, “I’m not list”.  It is so easy to lose site of perspective in the comfort zone. When we shrink back to what we are comfortable with we cease to realize potential.  It’s here where there is the illusion of safety, yet there is massive dissatisfaction.

We are born to realize the innate potential inside of us.  It’s our total fulfillment to realize potential, because what is inside of us becomes who we really are.  This is where our insides match our outsides.

Our mission in God has to do with people.  Whatever your gift is, it is to be used to serve people.  So step one is to flush down the toilet this idea of, “I’m an introvert”.  It’s not unusual to enjoy being alone with yourself. You can not however sustain a life of solitude and think you are living up to your full potential.  Forget whatever you have adopted on your, “I’m not list,” and quit making excuses. If you think about doing something and your consideration starts with, “yea but..” you are in the old way of thinking.  No forward progress ever started with “yea but”. Replace “yea, but” with, “I would love to” or “lets do it”. Lots of forward progress started with, “I would love to,” and “lets do it”.

If you want to get comfortable doing something, you must first get uncomfortable.  Think about it, if you want to get comfortable doing something that means that you are not comfortable doing it now.  This is most likely because you have never done it before or have only done it a few times. Making a decision and committing to show up, take action and to learn, will demand repetition.  Repetition is the answer to becoming skillful / used to / comfortable doing something.

If this place of “uncomfortable” holds everything we actually want, then it makes sense that we learn how to get comfortable with it.  Oh yea, I said it, let’s get comfortable with the uncomfortable. Things become uncomfortable because they are full of the unknown. They are full of the unknown because we lack knowledge and experience in these areas.  With an incorrect mindset this “unknown” space can be fuel for unbelief, doubt and worry, which is why it becomes uncomfortable. But that is with an incorrect mindset. What if we had a correct mindset?

What if what we call uncomfortable we start associating with the realization of potential?  Potential is what we haven’t tapped into yet but is ready and longing to be realized. This means that we have to step into the unknown to be able to know with experience what we can and should do and get into.  Instead of wanting to run away, what if we created the desire to run into the “potential zone”. The only reason we would want to run away is because the fear of failure. But when you commit to something it takes all the failure right out of it.  If you are not afraid to fail, then you can’t be stopped from jumping in.

The “potential zone” is where growth and fulfillment live.  Let’s get into it!