In Hebrews 5:13-14 the writer says,

Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness.  But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.”

The process of growing in maturity, from milk to solid food, is through the constant use of the truth.  Through constant use of the truth you train yourself to distinguish good from evil. Distinguish between what is actually of God vs what only looks like it came from God.  

In the constant use of the truth you are creating a pattern of living that when executed with repetition creates a new way of living.  As you create, maintain, and sustain an environment that says, “All Day I Keep It Cultivated” you are constantly in a position of stimulating wholesome thinking.  We think thoughts of hope, of solutions, of value, of taking action. We think thoughts of identity, purpose and vision.

These wholesome thoughts that we think start out as seeds and as we continually cultivated them – think about, meditate on, marinate in; they begin to take root inside of us.  As these truths begin to grow inside of us it creates the desire to speak and acted in conformity to them. This is how we become transformed, and conformed to the image of God.  This is the process of growing in maturity. It’s through the constant use of the truth.