We have been talking about how vehicles give us access to environments that produces growth and realize potential.  We are called as ambassadors to represent and demonstrate the glory and functions of the kingdom of heaven on earth.  Our gifts, talents and interests are the vehicle we use to connect with people who have similar interests.

For example, if you like to sew, you can use that interest to join a group of people who come together on regular bases to have a sewing party.  Sewing becomes the vehicle that gives you access to a certain kind of people.

If you like mountain biking you can find a group of people who come together to ride trails.  Biking becomes the vehicle that gives you access to people.

What hobby or interest do you have that you could use to connect with people who don’t know God?  What skills do you have that you could use to sever people. Can you fix or build things? Do you love to paint pictures?  What if you found a couple young people and shared some of the tips and tricks you have learned.

What if we used what we had, to engage with people?  Let’s just say we had an idea and followed through on it.  That idea gave us access to a group of people. Out of that group of people we began to connect with one person.  Whenever the group would meet up we would sit next to that person. During our time together we would talk about the day, they weather, make jokes and laugh.  We thought to our self, “joining this group was a really good idea”.

One day our new friend shares that they have become bitter towards a person because of a past encounter.  Well, we know the bitterness sucks, so we share some truth about forgiveness. We something like, “Bitterness seems like a good idea.  It seems like it makes sense to be mad at someone who hurt you. But the reality is that holding on to something that someone did to you is like drinking deadly poison but thinking that the other person will die from it.”  Our friend laughs and says,”I never thought about it like that”. We continue,”Forgiveness, also known as, letting go of the past, is really the only way to be free from that past experience. The more you remind yourself of the past, the more you relive it.  There is no need to constantly relive a negative experience. Plus we have all said and done things that have hurt other people that we instantly regretted. Which is why it’s important to not be easily offended.”

Bam! Like masters, we just slapped down a few kingdom concepts that brought freedom and function to our new friend who was stuck in a deception.  Simple things like that, cause people to encounter God for who he really is. What are some of the vehicles you have lying around?

Can you smell the potential?