When you discover a vehicle that will connect you to a group of people there can be a need to purchase supplies.  Supplies are important and necessary to equip you for the journey.

Let’s say that Tena likes to exercise at a local gym.  While she is at the gym one day she notices some young ladies her age and begins to dream about training them.  As Tena pictures herself training a client, she begins to imagine the girl opening up to her and sharing some struggles she is having.  A fire begins to rise up in Tena, because she often dreams about having an impact in women’s lives, but hasn’t figured out a way to create these kinds of opportunities.

Tena comes out of her dreaming and starts to think, “what if I became a personal trainer?  What if this is how I could connect with these women? What if this dream I keep dreaming is the same dream God is dreaming? What if this is the way I could realize my desire to help these girls see themselves the way God sees them.  What if this is the strategy to accomplish my mission?”

Bam, Tena is sold! Her vehicle is personal training.  He target market is young girls who are looking for instruction in fitness. Tena knows that all she needs is the fitness environment and she will be able to create fruitful conversations with no problem.  In order to become a personal trainer she will need to participate in a $500 personal trainer certification. Then she will need insurance which will cost $250 a year. In addition she wants a logo and some apparel with her logo on it.  That will cost $250. All together she is looking at $1000 to get her started on this journey.

It is ok to financially commit to your dreams. In fact, you must financially commit to your dreams.  Whatever you do, you trade your life to do it. Meaning whatever you do in life, requires your time, energy, focus and money.  This is a wonderful reality, you just want to make sure that what you are trading your life for is worth it. And for Tena this is absolutely worth it.   

It’s important to not “cheap out” when you are outfitting yourself to realize your God given purpose.  Everything you have is to aid you in completing your mission. Buy the best you can. I’m not talking about spending beyond your means.  But I am talking about getting what you actually need that will help you create your vision. If you buy cheap you will have to buy again.  Don’t over buy either, you don’t need a bunch of stuff you will never use. Buy what you need and buy quality.