Propel yourself into the future you desire

What are the things you have been thinking about lately?  What out of the box ideas have you been dreaming about? What “what if” questions have you been cultivating?  “What if we did this?” “What if we went here?” “What if we committed to doing this?” The...

Remember to remember

  The need to regularly re-sell yourself on your vision and purpose is a real thing.  When there is discouragement, confusion, fear and doubt these are signs that it’s time to remember.  These things will distract you from faith, hope, courage and...

The throne room

In Revelations 4 John sees a door standing open to heaven, and a voice that sounded like a trumpet blast says, “Come up here, and I will show you what must happen after this.”  And instantly he saw a throne in heaven and someone sitting on it. Here is what he saw...

A different look at boasting in weakness

In chapters 10-13 in 2 Corinthians Paul is defending his authority as an apostle and the work that he had done with the people in Corinth.  The church in Corinth had been infiltrated by what Paul sarcastically named “super apostles”. The Corinthians accepted...

Being a person of stability

To be stable is to be sane and sensible; not easily upset or disturbed; not likely to change or fail; firmly established. Some synonyms include: well balanced, sound, of sound mind, sane, normal, right in the head, in possession of all one’s faculties, able to...