Ripe with potential

Ripe is defined as developed to the point of readiness for harvesting and eating; fully matured;  rich, intense, or pungent. If no one has told you in a while please allow me, “Yo bro, you pungent!”   Your time is now!  Not yesterday, not tomorrow,...

Same in same out

Do you ever get tired of the way you are thinking and feeling?  Maybe thinking the same negative thoughts over a situation day in and day out.  Or the same worry or fear of the unknown of the future. If we keep using the same ingredients we will keep getting...

The ship

Have you ever felt like maybe you have missed the ship?  That maybe you procrastinated too long and now the dream you longed to realize is not possible any longer.  That feeling is pretty discouraging to say the least. But how could you miss the ship that you are...

From follower to leader

  Proverbs 22:3, “A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions.  The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.” It is important to consider the road you are traveling and the destination at the end of it.  Sheep are well known for the...

What is the real takeaway

Sometimes when we read the bible or listen to a message there are lessons that we takeaway, that we should really put back.  Not everything that can be taken away should be. Meaning you could find yourself relating to a situation and feel justified when in...