For the Joy of it

In Hebrews 12:1-3 the writer is encouraging focus of the life of faith lived on purpose.  He says, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin...


Our attitude towards life and specific circumstances comes from what we believe.  Our beliefs affect our perception and perspective and therefore determine our actions.   Myles Munroe talked about the attitude of the lion vs other animals. The lion is known as the...

Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power

As we talked about yesterday, not every thought that pops into our mind is worth holding on to.  Ideas fuel our lives and therefore we must be conscious of the ideas we hold onto. A perceived speculation of someone’s opinion of you can cause you to change your...

Not every thought is worth keeping

We have talked about how ideas are super powerful, because they can create action.  The results of the actions taken will prove the source of the idea. It’s important to consider the source of the ideas that we consider taking action on.     For...

There is a process to reap a harvest

There is a process from turning a bag of seeds into a harvest.  Life is the same way and I for one find myself needing to remember this regularly.  I was listening to a podcast by Ed Mylett and he described this process in life to be like an echo....