People are attracted to skill

My son and I rode our bikes to the skate park the other day to mess around.  When we arrived there were quite a few elementary aged kids on scooters riding around.  My son jumped right in the mix. After about ten minutes another kid showed up on his scooter...

Forgiven yet stuck

Forgiveness + Repentance = Freedom and Change.  I know that to some repentance might seem like a four letter word but it’s actually a ten letter word.  To repent is to change the way you think. To change the way you think you need to become aware of why you...

Forgiveness of sins is a real thing

In Colossians 1:13-14 Paul says, “For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” Forgiveness of sins is a real thing.  Jesus paid a very intentional...

The power of an idea

Ideas are very powerful.  Nothing in all creation was created without first starting out as an idea.  Ideas are invisible, they are things that happen in your mind. The faith and belief of an idea is what causes it to be manifested in the visible.  The...

A plot afoot

In Daniel 6 there is a plot afoot to get rid of Daniel.  The new king is considering putting Daniel in charge of the whole kingdom. But Daniel’s peers do not like this idea.  In verse 3 it says, “Then this Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and...