Personal Growth

Personal growth is an interesting concept because it’s something that happens on purpose through intention, it’s not something that just happens by itself.  Which can seem weird because the first 18-20 ish years we live in an environment of growth. The reality is...


I have heard it said that the quality of your life is based off the quality of the questions you ask yourself.  A question I recently heard was, “What is my potential?” What is my potential? What is your potential? That’s a good question. Potential is the ability...

Community transformation

I was listening to podcast by Kris Vallotton who was talking about the origin of the word apostle.  Apostle means sent or sent ones. The word was created by the Greeks but was adopted by Romans.   Rome had a different approach to conquering nations.  Instead...


Awareness is defined as: knowledge and understanding that something is happening or exists; knowledge or perception of a situation or fact; concern about and well-informed interest in a particular situation or development. Knowledge creates awareness and awareness...

Discipline and Strength

If you see someone affecting great change and having an impact in their sphere of influence, you see someone who is strong and disciplined.  You become strong through discipline. You become disciplined because you have vision. Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no...