Problem solving

Problem solving is an invaluable skill to develop.  Problem solving is a necessary skill inside of commitment and perseverance.  Whether it’s in marriage, work, turning an idea into a reality, purpose, vision, your a/c isn’t working, your car won’t start,...

Environmental Conditioning

The environment we grow up in becomes the foundation and education for how we think, feel and act.  We are not born speaking a language, we learn to speak a language. We are not born with worry, or fear, or doubt, we learn these things.    For example...

Just a little bit is all you need

In Luke 17 Jesus is teaching and in response to what Jesus had said the disciples asked for their faith to be increased.  Luke 17:5-10: “The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to...

Elijah and the Widow

We are continuing our look at how God has used what already existed and either transformed it or turned it into abundance.  Yesterday we looked at a story of Elisha, but before Elisha was Elijah. In 1 Kings 17 Elijah calls for a drought on the land and God sends...

The widow’s olive oil

Yesterday we looked at the time Jesus turned water into wine.  When Mary asked Jesus to solve the problem of the wine shortage at the wedding, Jesus said to fill the jars with water then he transformed the water into wine.  Meaning Jesus didn’t make wine...