Progress is vital for achievement

There is a very true reality in achieving a goal, “the goal will not achieve itself”.  In order to achieve or reach a desired destination you must have progress. Consistent progress is created through discipline.  Consistent discipline is created by focus....

Don’t let doubt tell you what you can’t do

Doubt creates road blocks, detours and u-turns to our ideas, vision and purpose.  Doubt is defined as: a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction; to call into question the truth of; to lack confidence in.  If there is doubt, there was first an idea. ...

Constantly learning

Learning is vital to realize your potential.  Potential is what you could do, not what you have done.  Therefore to be able to do the things we have never done we must learn how to do them.  Learning creates growth. It expands the mind. It expands our...

The great controversy in the mind

There is a controversy in the mind that prohibits true, all in commitment.  In all of us there is the desire for greatness to be unleashed and released through the use and development of our gifts that would allow us to live and accomplish our God given purpose and...

Discipline enables you to create the life you want

Discipline can seem like a weird concept to someone who lacks it.  But the truth is that discipline is what creates the life you actually want.  As Jocko Willink says, “Discipline equals Freedom”. It could seem like freedom would be the absence of discipline...