What is God’s will? Part 3

We have been looking at the story of the demon possessed boy.  A father brings his possessed by to the disciples hoping to find Jesus but found only his disciples.  The Disciples tried but couldn’t free the boy. Jesus walks into this situation bothered by...

What is the will of God? Part 2

In Mark 9 a father has a son who is possessed by an evil spirit.  The disciples tried to cast it out but it didn’t work. Jesus shows up to find his disciples arguing with the teachers of the law and inquires about all the commotion.  The father of the...

What is God’s will?

When we talk about praying for healing and miracles it can get a little confusing about what God’s will is.  If you have ever heard of a story or had your own experience with praying for someone and the prayers were not answered, the conclusion often made is that...

The harvest is ripe 2

We are continuing our look at the fact that the harvest is ripe.   In Romans 5:17 Paul says, “For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift...

The harvest is ripe

In John 4 Jesus was talking with the woman at the well who went into town to tell the people what Jesus had said to her.  While the town was coming out, the disciples come to Jesus to urge him to eat. Jesus’ response was, “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will...