Citizens and Ambassadors 2

A citizen of a country has access to rights and privileges that a foreigner does not.  For example When I went to Australia I needed a visa. This visa gave me permission to live in the country for 2 years.  I did not have access to get a job to earn money....

Citizens and Ambassadors

Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 “All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation:  that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has...

Made for earth 2

The way we view this world and our time on it, affects how we interact with life.  If we believe that we are supposed to just sit around and wait for the return of Jesus, we won’t focus much if any of our attention to impact the world around us.  If God’s goal...

Made for earth

There is a temptation to focus so much on the coming of Jesus and eternity that we don’t think that creating and building things of value on earth has any importance.  What that does is limits our impact, our purpose, vision and potential. It’s interesting to...

Where you can stick your past

The past is an interesting phenomenon.  It doesn’t actually exist anymore but it can be easy to remind ourselves of what happened with such repetition that it defines who we are.  Not every past experience is worth taking to the future. When we are defined...