7 Men of Value

In Acts 6 the number of the disciples was increasing and some complaints arose about some widows being overlooked for the daily distribution of food. When you increase in numbers you will increase in the need for valuable people.   The apostles gathered all the...

Being a person of Value

In Acts 5 the apostles were arrested for teaching about Jesus.  That night an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the jail and brought them out. “Go, stand in the temple courts,” he said, “and tell the people all about this new life.” That next day they were...

Show up

It’s amazing how just showing up can set you apart from the crowd. So many people want to bring value and do something with their lives but get trapped inside their house. They get stuck in a cycle of thinking and feeling that distorts reality. We think seclusion and...

One step at a time

One step at a time repeated over and over has gotten us to where we are right now. There is a saying that goes, “we are the sum total of the decisions we make”. The decisions we have made have built the life we now live. Our decisions are responsible for the...

Jump into the potential

Everything God created, he created to succeed and to become everything it was made to be. Potential is what you could become, what you could do. Potential is: latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness. Potential...