Knowledge of His Will continued

In the last Daily Cultivation we talked about Paul’s desire for the Colossians to know what God’s will is, so that they can live a life that pleases him in every way.  Then he goes on and breaks down what that looks like. Today we will look at a couple verses...

The Knowledge of His Will

In the book of Colossians Paul shares a prayer that he continually prays for the Colossian people because he heard of their faith and the love they have for all God’s people. Paul writes: “For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying...

You are not as far as you think

When you look at your vision and goals, there is this reality that they will not be achieved overnight.  Nor will they be achieved by waiting patiently while sitting on the couch. You must take action to realize what you want to realize. This fact that they will...


Life is definitely more fun with momentum. To grow in momentum you have to weed out thoughts that would cause you to drag your feet. These thoughts of doubt or second guessing your decisions and motives; worry and fear. These things create friction that slow your...


Motivation is the desire to take action. Motivation comes from knowledge. When you know what to do, why to do it, and where it will take you, motivation is created.  If you have an idea of where you want to go but don’t know if it is possible, nor have any idea how to...