Who then is the faithful and wise servant

In Matthew 24 Jesus talks about the end times.  And how that day will come like a thief and how in the days of Noah, life went on as it always did, and no one expected the rain.   Jesus proceeds to paint these pictures to explain what the kingdom of heaven...

We glory in our sufferings

It takes a certain perspective to embrace and incite struggle, resistance, and suffering.  It’s not struggle for struggle sake, like you are paying a penalty. Struggle produces value.  Paul said it like this in Romans 5:1-5: “Therefore, since we have been justified...

Everywhere you go, so goes the God of all glory

Joseph’s brothers sell him as a slave. While being a slave, Joseph is sold to Potiphar, an Egyptian who was one of Pharaoh’s officials and then ends up in prison. Everywhere Joseph goes, so goes the presence of God. “ The Lord was with Joseph so that he prospered, and...

Dreams vs Current Circumstances

Feb 4, 2019 In Genesis 37, Joseph had two dreams that spoke of the future. One had his brothers bowing down to him and the other had his brothers plus his father and mother bowing down to him.  When he shared his dreams he was rebuked for them. His brothers said, “‘Do...