Embrace the struggle

Feb 3, 2019 It is so easy to come into struggle or when things don’t go exactly go how you hoped, to want to quit.  The feelings of discomfort, and failure create thoughts of retreat. It’s in moments like these that we embrace the struggle and charge forward....

Solving Problems with a change of perspective

Feb 2 A perspective is a way of looking at something. It’s an attitude and a point of view. Perspectives are created by past experiences, knowledge and beliefs.  That means you can have three people look at one problem and take three very different...

How to grow in experience

Feb 1 Experience is the by product of action.  Action is the by product of knowledge. The “BT breakdown” of gaining experience looks like this: Knowledge + Application = Experience. To say it another way, “Hidden inside knowledge is experience and application is...

Encountering God with “12 Minutes” on Purpose

Jan 31, 2019 “12 Minutes” is a framework for hearing from God.  We teach this in our Be Transformed curriculum. A “BT framework” consists of knowledge with instruction on how to apply it so we gain experience on purpose.  This means that this is not the only way to...

Built to succeed

Jan 30, 2019 When a manufacturer creates a product he does it to serve a purpose, fulfill a need, solve a problem.  The product it built to succeed. Before this product is made its purpose must first be determined.  The creator searches out, studies, and...