
  In Luke 10 Jesus gathers 72 of his disciples to send them out to the towns and villages that he is planning to go to.  Before he sends them he gives them instructions and in verse 16 says, “Anyone who accepts your message is also accepting me. And anyone...

Stories of contrast

The story of “building on a solid foundation” (the two guys each building a house but only one using a foundation) is a story of contrast.  The parable of “the farmer scattering seed” is a story of contrast. The contrast is one person held onto God’s word and applied...

Life in God has you at the steering wheel

In Luke 8 Jesus and his disciples arrive by boat to a new town and a man possessed by demons came out to meet them as they are climbing out of the boat.  This man had been possessed for a long time sleeping in tombs, running around naked and screaming. In verse...

Understanding is proved through what we produce

In Luke 8 Jesus shares the parable of the farmer scattering seed.  Afterward his disciples asked him what the story meant. Jesus says something really interesting, “You are permitted to understand the secrets of the kingdom of God.”  A couple verses later he...

Stability is proof of function

  In Luke 6:46-49 Jesus says, “So why do you keep calling me ‘Lord, Lord!’ when you don’t do what I say?  I will show you what it’s like when someone comes to me, listens to my teaching, and then follows it.  It is like a person building a house who...