No Factor

No Factor

IN ORDER TO HAVE AN EFFECTIVE 2021 AND TO TAP INTO “THE YEAR OF THE WILL,” YOU HAVE TO HAVE 3 THINGS: 1: Clear intentions –  You need to decide what you want to accomplish this year and commit to it. 2: A Plan – You need to consider what it...
Taking Bold Risk

Taking Bold Risk

RISK IS A NECESSARY FACTOR FOR GROWTH It’s been said, “There is no comfort in growth and there is no growth in comfort”.  Comfort comes from doing the things you always do, the same way you always do them.  This keeps things predictable.  But when you decide you want...

You are not as far as you think

When you look at your vision and goals, there is this reality that they will not be achieved overnight.  Nor will they be achieved by waiting patiently while sitting on the couch. You must take action to realize what you want to realize. This fact that they will...


Life is definitely more fun with momentum. To grow in momentum you have to weed out thoughts that would cause you to drag your feet. These thoughts of doubt or second guessing your decisions and motives; worry and fear. These things create friction that slow your...


Motivation is the desire to take action. Motivation comes from knowledge. When you know what to do, why to do it, and where it will take you, motivation is created.  If you have an idea of where you want to go but don’t know if it is possible, nor have any idea how to...

Patient Endurance

Patient endurance is the ability to hold onto hope and the promises of God regardless of what the situations and circumstances look like. Patient endurance is the mentality of perseverance. You only need perseverance if you are committed to reaching a desired end....