Not every thought is worth keeping

We have talked about how ideas are super powerful, because they can create action.  The results of the actions taken will prove the source of the idea. It’s important to consider the source of the ideas that we consider taking action on.     For...

There is a process to reap a harvest

There is a process from turning a bag of seeds into a harvest.  Life is the same way and I for one find myself needing to remember this regularly.  I was listening to a podcast by Ed Mylett and he described this process in life to be like an echo....

How to get out of your head

Have you ever been stuck thinking about a situation that it consumes your thoughts and emotions?  Maybe you had a conflict with someone and that event seared in your mind and you keep replaying the situation over and over.  Or maybe you are fearful about a...

Anxiety takes faith to exist

Anxiety, worry, fear and doubt all require faith to exist.  Faith is belief in the unseen. Anxiety is created when you picture the future being undesirable. Maybe you have a meeting tomorrow and as you mentally prepare you begin to think about everything that could go...

Your gift is the answer

Your gift is the key to your calling in life.  Your gift is the solution to a certain kind of problem.  By using your gift you begin to experience fulfillment because you are operation from your potential, which is your natural expression.   In...

Mental conditioning

Mental conditioning is created through the repetition of patterns. These patterns of living become normal and comfortable.   The more comfortable we become with how things are, the more abnormal change and growth can seem. When we become so conditioned with...