No Factor

No Factor

IN ORDER TO HAVE AN EFFECTIVE 2021 AND TO TAP INTO “THE YEAR OF THE WILL,” YOU HAVE TO HAVE 3 THINGS: 1: Clear intentions –  You need to decide what you want to accomplish this year and commit to it. 2: A Plan – You need to consider what it...
Taking Bold Risk

Taking Bold Risk

RISK IS A NECESSARY FACTOR FOR GROWTH It’s been said, “There is no comfort in growth and there is no growth in comfort”.  Comfort comes from doing the things you always do, the same way you always do them.  This keeps things predictable.  But when you decide you want...
Decision vs Indecision

Decision vs Indecision

THE ABILITY TO MAKE DECISIONS IS INVALUABLE Living on Purpose is done through making decisions.  Seeing where you want to go and then making a decision to deliberately move yourself in that direction.  To take initiative in life you have to make decisions.  To figure...


CLARITY IS NECESSARY TO FUEL FOCUS AND CREATE PROGRESS Without clarity we lose sight of which way we should go, or which of the 100 ideas passing through our minds we should actually get into.  The lack of clarity creates frustration and inhibits change and growth....